

I would like to thank the following individuals without whose assistance a project of this size and complexity would not have been possible. The names are presented alphabetically.

Ken Bateman, Mickey "AirNikon" Bednar, Phil Brooks, Dave Campbell, Mike Chew, Dan Davis, Jeffrey S. DeVore, Greg Drawbaugh, Bruce Drum, Frank Duarte, Tony B. Eastwood, Brian Gore, Nick Granger, Lewis Grant, Alan Green, Clinton H. Groves, Ryan Hales, Ricky-Dene Halliday, Derek Hellman, Jeff S. Johnson, Pat McCollam, Donald B. McComb Jr., Martin Marlow, Rob Mazanec, Akinobu Okuda, Kevin Patrick, Bob Shane, Doug Slowiak, Adrian Smith, Jerry Stanick, Duncan Stewart, Jim 'JET' Thompson, Nigel Tomkins, Mike Usevich, John Wegg and Robert B. Yates

I would like to offer a special thank you to Richard Majarian for his kind assistance with helping me to computerize this project at the beginning of it all, way back when...

Sincere thanks also go out to Ken VanDine for his assistance with the HTML and FTP portion of this project.

I would also like to offer sincere thanks to John Wegg for his continuous assistance and technical support throughout the duration of this project.

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